Old English Grammar

9C: Strong and Weak Masculine and Neuter Nouns

Use these flashcards to practice the cases and endings of strong and weak masculine neuter nouns. The nouns used are stan and cyning (strong masculine); scip and word (strong neuter); cnapa, nama and scowyrhta (weak masculine); and eage (weak neuter).

se stan
masculine nominative singular
the stone (subject)
þone stan
masculine accusative singular
the stone (object)
þæs stanes
masculine genitive singular
of the stone
þæm stane
masculine dative singular
to or for the stone
þa stanas
masculine nominative or accusative plural
the stones (subject or object)
þara stana
masculine genitive plural
of the stones
þæm stanum
masculine dative plural
to or for the stones
þæt scip
neuter nominative or accusative singular
the ship (subject or object)
þæs scipes
neuter genitive singular
of the ship
þæm scipe
neuter dative singular
to or for the ship
þa scipu
neuter nominative or accusative plural
the ships (subject or object)
þara scipa
neuter genitive plural
of the ships
þæm scipum
neuter dative plural
to or for the ships
þæt word
neuter nominative or accusative singular
the word (subject or object)
þæs wordes
neuter genitive singular
of the word
þæm worde
neuter dative singular
to or for the word
þa word
neuter nominative or accusative plural
the words (subject or object)
þara worda
neuter genitive plural
of the words
þæm wordum
neuter dative plural
to or for the words
se cyning
masculine nominative singular
the king (subject)
þone cyning
masculine accusative singular
the king (object)
þæs cyninges
masculine genitive singular
of the king
þæm cyninge
masculine dative singular
to or for the king
þa cyningas
masculine nominative or accusative plural
the kings (subject or object)
þara cyninga
masculine genitive plural
of the kings
þæm cyningum
masculine dative plural
to or for the kings
se cnapa
the boy (subject)
nominative singular
þone cnapan
the boy (object)
accusative singular
þæs cnapan
of the boy
genitive singular
þæm cnapan
to or for the boy
dative singular
þa cnapan
the boys
nominative or accusative plural
þara cnapena
of the boys
genitive plural
þæm cnapum
to or for the boys
dative plural
se nama
the name (subject)
nominative singular
þone naman
the name (object)
accusative singular
þæs naman
of the name
genitive singular
þæm naman
to or for the name
dative singular
þa naman
the names
nominative or accusative plural
þara namena
of the names
genitive plural
þæm namum
to or for the names
dative plural
þæt eage
the eye
nominative or accusative singular
þæs eagan
of the eye
genitive singular
þæm eagan
to or for the eye
dative singular
þa eagan
the eyes
nominative or accusative plural
þara eagena
of the eyes
genitive plural
þæm eagum
to or for the eyes
dative plural
se scowyrhta
the shoemaker (subject)
nominative singular
þone scowyrhtan
the shoemaker (object)
accusative singular
þæs scowyrhtan
of the shoemaker
genitive singular
þæm scowyrhtan
to or for the shoemaker
dative singular
þa scowyrhtan
the shoemakers
nominative or accusative plural
þara scowyrhtena
of the shoemakers
genitive plural
þæm scowyrhtum
to or for the shoemakers
dative plural