Old English Grammar

10A: Strong Declension of Adjectives

Use these flashcards to practice the cases and endings of strong declension adjectives. The nouns used are stan (strong masculine), scip (strong neuter), and giefu (strong feminine); the adjective is til (“good”).

tilu giefu
a good gift (subject)
nominative singular
tile giefe
a good gift (object)
accusative singular
tilre giefe
of, to, or for a good gift
genitive or dative singular
tile giefa
good gifts
nominative or accusative plural
tilra giefa
of good gifts
genitive plural
tilum giefum
to, for, or with good gifts
dative plural
til stan
a good stone (subject)
masculine nominative singular
tilne stan
a good stone (object)
masculine accusative singular
tiles stanes
of a good stone
masculine genitive singular
tilum stane
to, for or with a good stone
masculine dative singular
tile stanas
good stones (subject or object)
masculine nominative or accusative plural
tilra stana
of good stones
masculine genitive plural
tilum stanum
to, for or with good stones
masculine dative plural
til scip
a good ship (subject or object)
neuter nominative or accusative singular
tiles scipes
of a good ship
neuter genitive singular
tilum scipe
to, for or with a good ship
neuter dative singular
tilu scipu
good ships (subject or object)
neuter nominative or accusative plural
tilra scipa
of good ships
neuter genitive plural
tilum scipum
to, for or with good ships
neuter dative plural