Old English Grammar

7B: Strong Feminine Nouns

Use these flashcards to practice the cases and endings of strong feminine nouns. Two nouns are used: giefu (gift) and cwen (queen).

seo giefu
the gift (subject)
nominative singular
þa giefe
the gift (object)
accusative singular
þære giefe
of, to, or for the gift
genitive or dative singular
þa giefa
the gifts
nominative or accusative plural
þara giefa
of the gifts
genitive plural
þæm giefum
to or for the gifts
dative plural
seo cwen
the queen (subject)
nominative singular
þa cwene
the queen (object)
accusative singular
þære cwene
of, to, or for the queen
genitive or dative singular
þa cwena
the queens
nominative or accusative plural
þara cwena
of the queens
genitive plural
þæm cwenum
to or for the queens
dative plural