Old English Grammar

3A: Strong Masculine Nouns, Nominative vs. Genitive

Use these flashcards to help you practice recognition of the strong masculine noun cases. The nouns used are “cyning” (king), “biscop” (bishop), and “stan” (stone).

Looking at the form that appears at the top of the window, deduce its case (nominative or genitive) and number (singular or plural) from its ending and say what it means; then click “Flip” to reveal the correct description and meaning.

se cyning
masculine nominative singular
the king (subject)
þæs cyninges
masculine genitive singular
the king's / of the king
þæs stanes
masculine genitive singular
the stone's / of the stone
se stan
masculine nominative singular
the stone (subject)
þa stanas
nominative or accusative plural
the stones (subject or direct object)
þara stana
masculine genitive plural
the stones' / of the stones
þa stanas
nominative or accusative plural
the stones (subject or direct object)
se biscop
masculine nominative singular
the bishop (subject)
þæs biscopes
masculine genitive singular
the bishop's / of the bishop
þa biscopas
nominative or accusative plural
the bishops (subject or direct object)
þara biscopa
masculine genitive plural
the bishops' / of the bishops
þara cyninga
masculine genitive plural
the kings' / of the kings
þa cyningas
nominative or accusative plural
the kings (subject or direct object)
nominative or accusative plural
kings (subject or direct object)
masculine genitive singular
(a) king's / of a king
masculine genitive singular
(a) stone's/ of a stone
nominative or accusative plural
stones (subject or direct object)
masculine genitive plural
bishops' / of bishops
genitive singular
(a) bishop's / of a bishop
se cyning
masculine nominative singular
the king (subject)
þæs cyninges
masculine genitive singular
the king's / of the king
þara cyninga
masculine genitive plural
the kings' / of the kings
þæs stanes
masculine genitive singular
the stone's / of the stone
þa cyningas
nominative or accusative plural
the kings (subject or direct object)
þara cyninga
masculine genitive plural
the kings' / of the kings
þæs biscopes
masculine genitive singular
the bishop's / of the bishop