Old English Grammar

8A: Strong Verb Conjugation

Use these flashcards to practice understanding the forms of strong verbs. The verb used is helpan (to help).

ic helpe
I help
first person singular present
þu hilpst
thou helpst OR you help (singular)
second person singular present
heo hilpþ
she helps
third person singular present
he hilpþ
he helps
third person singular present
hit hilpþ
it helps
third person singular present
hie helpaþ
they help
third person plural present
we helpaþ
we help
first person plural present
ge helpaþ
you (pl) help
second person plural present
hie helpaþ
they help
third person plural present
ic healp
I helped
first person singular preterite
þu hulpe
you helped (singular)
second person singular preterite
heo healp
she helped
third person singular preterite
he healp
he helped
third person singular preterite
hit healp
it helped
third person singular preterite
hie hulpon
they helped
third person plural preterite
we hulpon
we helped
first person plural preterite
ge hulpon
you helped
second person plural preterite